From the Blog
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as it is also known, sometimes results from a physical injury, including a minor injury, after the injury itself is treated and healed. It is an uncurable affliction that results in pain and mobility problems out of proportion to those
Posted on October 15, 2012
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as it is also known, sometimes results from a physical injury, including a minor injury, after the injury itself is treated and healed. It is an uncurable affliction that results in pain and mobility problems out
Posted on October 15, 2012
President Obama's recent remarks regarding general aviation seem to reflect a lack of understanding of the importance of general aviation to the economy. Even more troubling is the seeming contradiction in the President's stated position on general aviation, depending on the audience he is addressing. For example, during the
Posted on October 8, 2012
President Obama's recent remarks regarding general aviation seem to reflect a lack of understanding of the importance of general aviation to the economy. Even more troubling is the seeming contradiction in the President's stated position on general aviation, depending on the audience he is addressing. For example, during the
Posted on October 8, 2012